Don't Miss OUT on the Chipotle/CMS Fundraiser!!!!!!!!
almost 2 years ago, CMS
Just a reminder that tonight is the Coelho PTO meeting. The meeting starts at 6:30. In case you can't attend in person. Please join via Zoom
almost 2 years ago, CMS
PTO needs you for next year’s board!!! This year’s members are moving up to the high school and all positions need to be filled for the 2023 academic year. Nominations will take place at this week’s PTO meeting on Wednesday 4/5 at 6:30 pm. Voting is to be held in May. Please consider helping out. Hope to see you this week (in person in the school library or virtually via Zoom). The link will be sent out tomorrow.....
almost 2 years ago, CMS
Just a reminder that MCAS for Grades 5 and 6 begins tomorrow, April 4th. Please have your student bring their Chromebooks to school fully charged tomorrow.
almost 2 years ago, CMS
This week APS Music Department put on a Multi-Level Concert Series featuring instrumental and choral ensembles from grades 4-12. Please click on the following link to enjoy the performances.
almost 2 years ago, APS
Foil your dinner plans and stop by Chipotle at 228 Washington St in Attleboro for our fundraiser on Wednesday, April 26 from 4:00 pm - 8:00 pm. We're raising money to support Coelho Middle School, so just download a flyer from the link below or mention the fundraiser at checkout and they'll donate 33% of the proceeds to the cause! Can't wait to see you! Please see CMS Chipotle Fundraiser Flyer:
almost 2 years ago, CMS
This week's CMS UPDATE ......
almost 2 years ago, CMS
CMS March Cougar Pride Breakfast
almost 2 years ago, CMS
grade 5 students
Do you know a student who will be 5 years old by September 1, 2023? Kindergarten Registration for the 2023-2024 school year is open now! Registration must be completed by May 1, 2023, to guarantee placement in your neighborhood school. ELC students should not complete the online registration process as students are already enrolled in APS. Visit the APS Registration page for more information:
almost 2 years ago, Welcome Center
K Registration Open
K Registration Open
K Registration Open
K Registration Open
K Registration Open
Do you know a student who will be 5 years old by September 1, 2023? Kindergarten Registration for the 2023-2024 school year is open now! Registration must be completed by May 1, 2023, in order to guarantee placement in your neighborhood school. Visit the APS Registration page for more information. ELC students should not complete the online registration process. As a member of the ELC, your child is already enrolled in Attleboro Public Schools. The ELC to Kindergarten Packet contains information regarding the process to transition your child to Kindergarten.
almost 2 years ago, CMS
MCAS Testing for Grades 5-8 will begin next week. Here is the schedule for testing: April 4th and 5th: Grade 5/6 ELA MCAS April 11th and 12th: Grade 7/8 ELA MCAS May 2nd and 3rd: Grade 5/6 Math MCAS May 9th and 10th: Grade 7/8 Math MCAS May 16th and 17th: Grade 5/8 Science MCAS
almost 2 years ago, CMS
Grade 6 Field Trip to see the CTE program
almost 2 years ago, CMS
The AHS Answer for Cancer Club is hosting a fundraising event to benefit the Jimmy Fund and the Dana Farber Cancer Institute on Saturday, April 1 from 12 - 3. There will be an 18 Hole Mini Golf Course set up in the cafeteria as well as a Hole-In-One contest, face painting, corn hole, caricatures, raffles, food, and prizes. Admission is $10.00 per person and children under 12 are only $5.00 which includes everything except food. All proceeds benefit the Jimmy Fund for Pediatric Cancer research and support. Scan the QR code on the posters for more information or contact Hope to see you there!
almost 2 years ago, APS
AHS Golf
Just a final reminder that today 3/24 is a half day of school.
almost 2 years ago, CMS
March 21st at 6:30 pm at Bray Auditorium at AHS- for the 7th graders and their families who would like to sign up for the 2024 Washington D.C. trip. Also, the International Program will be meeting tonight as well, to provide any information to parents and students that might be interested in the International Travel Trip. The only criterion for this trip is that students must be in grades 6-8 for the 2024 trip, and in grades 6-8 for the 2025 trip. March 22nd at 6:30 pm at Bray Auditorium at AHS- for the 8th graders and their families who are enrolled and will be attending D.C. this spring.
almost 2 years ago, CMS
Just a reminder that today March 17th is the end of Trimester 2. Report Cards will be posted in Aspen on March 24th.
almost 2 years ago, CMS
Save the Date: Travel Meeting for Washington DC Trip for May 2024. This meeting will be held at the Bray Auditoiurm (AHS) on March 21st @ 6:30 PM. This trip is for all students that will be in Grade 8 during the 23-24 SY. The trip is scheduled for May 22nd to May 25th, 2024.
almost 2 years ago, CMS
More Pictures from Oak Knoll Conservation
almost 2 years ago, CMS
oak knoll
Oak Knoll presenting to the Coelho Grade 5 students
almost 2 years ago, CMS
oak knoll
Just a reminder that today 3/14/23 is a 1/2 day of school due to the impact of the future forecast for this afternoon. Students will be dismissed at 11:30 AM
almost 2 years ago, CMS