Just a reminder that tomorrow, September 17th, is picture day for Coelho Middle School
On Friday evening, the login screen for Aspen will be getting an updated look... but don't worry, you'll still use the same login and password to access the site as usual. This new login screen is the first part in a series of upgrades designed to make the site more secure for families, students, teachers, and staff. If you have any questions, don't hesitate to contact the office
CMS Bookfair will be from 9/16-9/20
Today was a great opening day of school, filled with lots of smiles and excitement about the new school year. Thank you to the staff for ensuring that the 1st day of school was a success.
See everyone tomorrow!!!!!
Bus routes for the 2024-2025 school year are now available. Please note that applications received after August 22, 2024, will NOT have a seat on the bus assigned for the start of the school year. The Transportation website will continue to be updated as late applications are processed and buses are assigned. More information and bus routes can be found on the Transportation webpage: https://www.attleboroschools.com/o/apswc/page/transportation
We are excited to welcome back our students this September.
You can find the Superintendent's letter here: https://5il.co/2udma
Translatable versions can be found through our app here: https://tinyurl.com/yrsh5nvr
Good Morning,
If your child is an incoming 5th grader or new to Coelho Middle who missed the tours in the spring and would like to have a tour of Coelho Middle School before starting, please reach out to the main office. We will be conducting tours on Tuesday, August 27, 2024. Please call the school at 508-761-7551 or email the clerks (kalfred@attleboroschools.com or mmcgowan@attleboroschools.com) to sign up for a tour on this date.
Transportation Applications are due July 25, 2024. Any Fee for Service applications received after this date will be processed in the order that they are received and are not guaranteed a seat on the bus for the start of the school year. New this year, all eligible students, including Kindergarten and First grade, who wish to ride the bus to/from any of the Attleboro Public Schools MUST complete the Transportation Application to secure transportation. See the Transportation website for details: https://www.attleboroschools.com/o/apswc/page/transportation
Kids Summer Cafe: free bagged lunches are available for kids and teens this summer! Learn more about the program here: https://www.attleboroschools.com/o/apswc/article/1659046
The APS Welcome Center will be closed on July 4 -5, 2024 in observance of the holiday. We look forward to seeing you when we reopen on Monday, July 8, 2024 at 8AM.
Summer EBT (S-EBT) Update: Summer EBT is a federal food benefit ensuring that low-income families with school-aged children have access to nutritious food when schools are closed for summer break. For more information on S-EBT, please refer to this news article: https://www.attleboroschools.com/o/apswc/article/1649997 or the Massachusetts Summer EBT Program from Mass.gov: https://tinyurl.com/summerpebt
Visit the Attleboro Public Schools 2024 Summer Learning Opportunities page to view summer reading suggestions and learning opportunities, including community resources, programs and events for all ages: https://tinyurl.com/SummerLearningAPS
Community-Wide Summer Reading Kick Off: Friday June 14 at 1:30PM.
The Attleboro Public Library is hosting this fun, free event on the last day of school. See the School Break Opportunities page for details: https://www.attleboroschools.com/o/apswc/page/school-break-opportunities
If you haven't purchased a yearbook and there is still time..... Be sure to order your yearbook today, as qualities are limited. A separate email will be sent with the link to order your yearbook.
Reminder to 8th grade families you must order a yearbook if your student would like one.
Grade 8 Families,
We will collect money and permission slips for the Grade 8 Dance on June 7th, during lunch this week and next.
Reminder: All eligible students in grades K-12 who wish to ride the bus next school year to/from any of the Attleboro Public Schools MUST complete the Transportation Application to secure transportation. Learn more here: https://www.attleboroschools.com/o/apswc/page/transportation
Someone is ready for the COLOR RUN at Coelho
Dear Parents and Guardians,
We want to update you on the timeline of events and some general info for this Friday's Color Run at Coelho Middle School.
The event will take place from 11:30 to 2:00 PM. There will be a DJ, Ice Cream Truck, Obstacle Course, Games, and a Photo Booth.
Each student will receive a wristband that will grant them 1 free ice cream and will have the opportunity to purchase others if they choose.
Students who earned prizes will receive their t-shirts and prizes in homeroom the morning of the event.
Grades 5 and 6 will participate in the color run starting at 11:30 AM and Grades 7 and 8 will start at 12:30 PM. The color run will take place in the backfield of the school and there will be parking available for parents who are volunteering or coming to see the event.
At 1:00 PM we will host the Pie in the Face Contest, in which 5 students and a staff member will get to throw a pie in the face of their “Most Favorite Coelho Staff Member”
We encourage students to bring a change of clothes to change into either before or after the event since this gets a little messy. In past years, students have brought a towel to help wipe off all the color….
The Knighton Family has generously donated 2 raffle items (5 New England Revolution Tickets and a New England Revolution Jersey signed by the team) If you aren’t able to attend the event, you or your child can purchase tickets all week in the main office.
We just want to say thank you to the Coelho PTO. Your hard work, dedication, and effort to put this event together is what makes Coelho Middle School a special place. We also want to say thank you to all the families, friends, and students who helped support Coelho Middle School. Because of your efforts, we were able to raise a total of $28,637.00. We could not have done this without you.
Andrew J. Boles
Proud Principal of Coelho Middle School
This is a reminder that tonight, May 15th, is the CMS ART SHOW starting @ 6 PM. See some great student work and get a chance to win some great raffle prizes including a signed New England Revolution Jersey and 5 tickets to a NE REVS game donated by the Knighton Family. Tickets for the New England REVS Raffle can also be purchased during the day at school and at the COLOR RUN on Friday.
24-25 Transportation Application Open!
New this year, all eligible students, including Kindergarten and First grade, who wish to ride the bus to/from any of the Attleboro Public Schools MUST complete the Transportation Application. The only exception to this is for those with specialized transportation needs listed in an IEP. Families should refer to the email sent on May 3, 2024, or visit the APS Transportation website for details: https://www.attleboroschools.com/o/apswc/page/transportation